A Countable Model of Set Theory
A Study on Set Theory from Ascan Heydorn

A countabel Model of Set Theory
Defines a countable model D of NBG with tangible elements. Demonstrates how countably many objects can span an uncountable universe. The model does not depend on any ground model.
ACountableModelOfSetTheory-241209.pdf (168.55KB)
A countabel Model of Set Theory
Defines a countable model D of NBG with tangible elements. Demonstrates how countably many objects can span an uncountable universe. The model does not depend on any ground model.
ACountableModelOfSetTheory-241209.pdf (168.55KB)
Short Presentation of the countable Model D
Quick overwiew on the model with outline of the proof.
ACntbleMdl-Presentation-241203.pdf (148.21KB)
Short Presentation of the countable Model D
Quick overwiew on the model with outline of the proof.
ACntbleMdl-Presentation-241203.pdf (148.21KB)



